Turkey season is here. I didn't go yesterday, but went this morning in the cold wind and rain. The turkeys were exactly where they were last week which is to say not where I was. LOL! I watched them in the field about 80 yds. out until almost 11 am. Then they started going on roost.
They were in a field and staying close to the woods. They kept weaving in and out of the woods as the wind picked up or died down. They were very quiet and were not gobbling or yelping at all.
I sat at my first set up for a couple of hours and watched them go into the woods and not come back out. Then I picked up my decoys and worked my way towards the corner of the field where they had been. I got there and set up and started calling softly. Just some purrs and putts. I would call for a bit then go quiet and wait and listen.
I texted Doc to see if he was having any luck. He was talking about the birds he was seeing and how they were acting. It was the same as mine. I sat the phone down and caught something out of the corner of my eye on my right. I slowly turned and it was a lone tom.
He was walking across the field about 40 yds out and seemed to be looking for something. He was on my right and I can't shoot left handed (which will be remedied soon) so I started purring softly and got his attention and he started hammering and looking my way. I was trying to get him to move to the corner where my dekes were at so I could get a shot on him, but he would not cooperate.
Every time I yelped or purred, he would hammer and strut, but would not come closer or move to where I could shoot. I couldn't move because he was already looking my way and periscoping, so I couldn't do much but watch him strut and then walk back the way he came.
I saw a few more come out on the other side of the field, but they were henned up and not moving. I sat quietly and watched some more until I saw them start flying up and roosting.
I decided to head home as I was getting cold and disgusted and I had some things to do this afternoon. I will be there next weekend and set up better now that I know more about how and where they are moving. Same turkey time, same turkey channel. Maybe I'll get lucky next time.
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