Howdy y’all. Well it’s been awhile. I’ve been busy working overtime. I got my raise. WOOHOO!!! Saturday I had a birthday dinner for Angel. We had about 15 people here, just close friends and family. Nate, a friend of mine from work hooked up with a friend of mines daughter. They have been talking for about a week and finally got to meet Saturday. Things went well and they went out on their first date Sunday. Kelly is really sweet and Nate is really cool. I hope things work out for them.
The cookout went really well. There was a lot of food and everybody ate like they were starving. There wasn’t much food left. LOL. Everybody had a great time and friends got introduced to family. Great food, great fun, and great people, what a great way to spend a Saturday evening.
Jen, Kelly’s sister is having a hard time right now. She is going through a rough divorce. She was married to my best friend and former band mate. I guess things don’t always work out like you plan them. Marriage is a lot of hard work and sometimes no matter how hard you try things just don’t work. But life goes on and maybe things will work out better for the both of them and maybe someday they can at least become friends again.
It really amazes me sometime how two people can spend so much time together and then, when things don’t work out, be so hateful. It’s like they are incapable of remembering the good times and the things they liked about each other and can only remember the bad things. But when your hurt things can really look a lot different and you tend to just focus on the bad things, the things that caused you to be hurt.
I just don't see how you can say you love someone and then treat them so bad and gripe about so much about them. Especially gripe about things that attracted you to them in the first place. It kinda makes you wonder if it was really love in the first place or just an obsession. I guess I will just never understand how so much love can turn into so much hate.
Well that’s enough for tonight. Just remember to be good to each other and respect each other and if things don’t work out then try to remember the good times at least as much as the bad. Bye y’all!!!