Sunday, April 17, 2011

Turkey Season-'11

From the field:

2:30 pm-
Well, it's Sunday afternoon and I'm set up and ready to rock. The weather was too bad yesterday morning to get out and I got busy in the afternoon so my original plan didn't quite work out.

After watching the birds here, I decided to wait until this afternoon and not this morning to come out. I'm trying something a little different today. I'm set up at an ambush point with no decoys or anything. I am sitting just inside the woods off the edge of a field they like to feed in. I'm in a back corner where they generally come to in the evenings. I can see them across the field but they seem to be quiet so I'm just gonna sit and wait quietly for them to come this way.

It's pretty warm but at least there is a light breeze to keep things tolerable. The skies are clear and the sun is beating down on my little clear spot in the woods. Everything is quiet for the most part like the woods are taking a collective nap, but I know from experience how quickly it can wake up in the afternoon and evenings. For now I'm gonna sit back and enjoying the beauty and tranquility of nature and give thanks and respect for these gifts.

4:00 pm-
Well, I just had either a couple of dogs or coyotes come out in the field between me and the birds. I'm not sure which because I just found out I forgot to put my binos in my vest. (Note to self: double check gear every time.) The birds went into the woods but have since returned to the field since the intruders went back in the woods. They are about 150-200 yds out in the field now.

It's 4:30 and I just had three big jakes come in from my right, quiet and unseen until the last moment. I leveled on the closest one and dropped the hammer but didn't drop the bird. I know my shotgun is good to 50 yards but I was pushing it. It was gonna be a good hit or a clean miss and it was the latter. I may have misjudged the yardage too since it was a quick shot. I did call after the shot and they paused at the edge of the woods. I'm gonna sit tight until dark and see what happens.

5:15 pm-
Now there there are some deer feeding at the edge of the field about 40 yards from me. Why can't this happen when deer season rolls around. Lol! I wish I could move and get a picture but I'm sitting in a blow down and using it as a natural ground blind. If I move they will be gone. This 2500 acres is really a great hunting spot, not heavily hunted and full of wildlife and it's only about 10 minutes from the house. It just doesn't get better than this.

6:00 pm-
It's starting to get dark in the woods so I'm gonna head out. It's time to go home and fire the grill up for supper. I think I have a better plan for next weekend and hopefully it will work out so I can go in the morning and make a day of it and do some running and gunning. They may have won today but I'll be back hopefully wiser and luckier. Good luck y'all and God Bless.

I get back to the truck and find this. Fresh deer tracks 3 feet from the truck. Unbelievable, LOL!